Tania Dods-Cumming


With a Bachelor of Economics, career in the finance sector and a brief stint in the education system, Tania found conveyancing to be her new passion. She has vast experience with the building process and a firm understanding of the council requirements after building several homes.

Tania has a vested interest in small business and ‘supporting local’ with many opportunities to engage with our local professionals and enjoy the varied and superior quality of skills we have on our doorstep.

She enjoys all aspects of conveyancing with a strong focus in subdivisions. Tania ensures all clients understand the process and will go above and beyond to ensure a smooth settlement.

When not working, Tania enjoys spending time with her family as well as paddle boarding, hiking and the enjoying the local scenery. You will often find her at the local sporting grounds, watching one of her children play a variety of sports. Supporting local wineries, galleries, and Paddock to Plate options.
